Memories That Get Lost

How many people have pictures in a shoe box? In a drawer? Inside a book? Sitting in the garage?

Imagine 40 years from now. Someone will get those pictures and they will say: Who are these people? What are they doing in this boat?

They won't have a clue about the stories that those pictures tell and they will probably throw part of your story away. - How sad is that?!!

There are several ways to preserve your memories. You can make a scrapbook, which is great. But as time goes by it will get faded, get wet or any other kind of accident and your memories may then be lost. Also it is not an easy or inexpensive way to share with friends and family who don't live close by. Some of the pictures will need to be restored and this may be a costly option - You can also have your pictures in a slide show, but that can be really boring and after some years, people still won't know a lot about those pictures.

A fairly new home-based company in Salt Lake City offers a solution for that. - It's a storybook CD / DVD that tells the stories behind the pictures.

Pictures may say a 1000 words, but they usually need some help. In this format, you may have your pictures, the story- in a written format, animation, voices and video clips. It is not a slide show, and it is not a video. It is based on new softwares designed for multimedia productions.

It's a great way to teach your kids in a fun manner about your life, and share special events of your past with your family.

Because the designers have a lot of experience with movies and tv, the timming and rithym is taken into consideration to make your story like it should be told. We know that grandpa Joe has trouble reading and little Jack who is 7 is still struggling with words, and that is also taken into consideration.

The company doesn't use templates, everything is customized according to your story, your needs and wants, and you don't just send the photos and then receive the product. As everything else done at Bearycrafty.Com, you're part of the process.

Even a kit that helps you organize the pictures and write the story is provided to ensure a high quality final product. This is a very affordable option, it is quite inexpensive to get copies for your family and really cheap to send by mail.

Your memories count and should be preserved.

Shahar Boyayan
Is the owner of photo restoration and Legacy DVDs. - Has a degree in e-commerce and Psychology, She's been an international public speaker since 1997 on topics such as "Negotiation skills, stress & change management, and self-leadership".Author of "Market yourself now" and movie director since 1999.

Contact: (801) 533-4213 / (801) 674-5815,

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