- Photography Information

A Guide to Underwater Camera Cases

If you are buying a new underwater camera or video camera, you will need an underwater camera case. And this case needs to be watertight, airtight, dustproof, crush resistant and designed to keep your valuable equipment safe from all the elements. It may also be rustproof, pest-proof, and chemical resistant to oils, fuels and solvents. It may have flame retardant included and be molded with a UV stabilizer, making it ultraviolet resistant. (This will prevent the plastic from becoming brittle if left in the sun for extended periods of time.)

Infrared Photography and the Car Thief ? Successful Digital Imaging

Infrared photography is sometimes placed on the outside edge of the mainstream photographic world. To the uninitiated observer infrared photography conjures up television images of car thieves speeding away from police helicopters during the dark hours of the night, only to be caught hiding beneath bushes beside a darkened home as their hot bodies light up the camera monitor in the police chopper like Bedouin camel herders atop a Sahara sand dune.

Infrared Photography and Big City Crime

One of the major problems of the larger cities of the word these days is crime. It appears that the larger the city the more-acceptable serious crime seems to be. If not because to the proliferation of serious crime then because the mindset of its citizens have been conditioned to accept the serious behaviour of a minority of its inhabitants.

Tiny Cameras, Big Pictures and Make Your Photos Great!

The path to picking a digital camera usually leads to a fork in the road. On one side is the small camera that's convenient to carry but doesn't take the sharpest pictures; on the other, a camera that crisply catches all the details and color but is comparatively bulky. Sometimes it?s our fault that our photos didn?t work out; we didn?t notice distracting, extraneous objects in the image or forgot to ask for a certain pose. Sometimes it?s the camera?s fault; as impressive as many of today?s cameras are, they?re not perfect. And sometimes it?s no one?s fault; some lighting situations are just plain impossible to control.

Start Your Own Photography Business from Home

Anyone with the right camera equipment, and the necessary skills can set up a home business, marketing photography. You need only to convert a room of your house into an office, and then you can work immediately.

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