10 Steps to Buying a Digital Camera You Must Know

You are anxious to purchase your new digital camera! You want to get it in your hands quickly so you can begin to enjoy it. Are you going to go to the store right now and pick one out? Wrong! You must have some basic knowledge and know-how prior to entering into the world of salesmen and digital cameras! Here are the steps to buying the digital camera that is right for you.

1. Know your budget. Yes, you have to do the number crunching this time. No sense in getting your hopes up for a high powered digital camera you can't afford. Do not be afraid to tell the salesman straight away what your budget is either. Don't waste your time looking for cameras that don't fit this budget.

2. Know what you want to use the camera for. Is this for a professional or to take pictures of your kids? Will it be used mostly indoors, outdoors, or both? Knowing this information can help narrow down your search as well.

3. Needs versus desires. Okay so just about everyone wants the digital camera that is loaded with features and added bonuses. But, is it really what you need? Cutting down all these extras will help you cut the extra costs as well. But, don't skimp either. Take some time to check out several of the available digital cameras in your price range. Know what to expect for your money.

4. Do your research. Trust me, once you walk into that saleroom, chances are you are going to want to lay your hands on a camera and leave with it. But, this is not a smart choice. You need to either decide not to do this until you have checked out several places or you can do the smarter thing. That is doing your research online from home, far away from the store itself. Just keep going from site to site to determine what are the basic cameras available in your price range. Who is offering the most bang for your buck?

5. LCD screen or not? Most of us want to be able to preview the image we are going to take using the LCD screen. But, it is a costly addition to the camera. Consider whether it is right for you or not.

6. Memory Cards. Will you need to purchase a memory card for your digital camera as well or will one be provided. How many should you buy depends on how much you will use the camera in between downloading them. How much memory will be on the cards for the camera you plan to purchase?

7. Pixels and Resolution. Just, what is all that about? The better quality cameras which have higher pixels and resolution provide a clearer picture with much more detail then others. Again, compare the different models once you are at the store. Which model, in your budget range, has the best picture? Or, which camera has the best picture for what you are willing or able to spend. Test them out prior to purchasing to see the difference here.

8. Is the camera compatible with your computer? This is very important here since this is how most people download and even print off their pictures! This is usually not a problem unless you own an older computer.

9. Ease of use. Purchasing a digital camera is supposed to make your life easier, right? Make sure you are choosing one you can understand how to use and one that is simple to use. When you want to take a picture, you usually don't have 5 minutes to figure it out.

10. Cost of features over name brand. Our last comment has to do with name brands. Surely, you know that just because a name brand sticker is on an item it is not a way to tell if it is the best model out there. Compare the features and items listed above to find the best camera available to you, not the label.

Putting all of this together can produce a great digital camera that suits your needs, your budget, and even your desires. Now, that you have an idea of what to look for, go ahead, run to your retailer with the best deal and get the digital camera you have been waiting for!

John Howard is an avid digital photographer. Visit his website for tips and tricks at: Digital Photography

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